Lesson #1: The Revolutionary Leader of the Beats, “Blue Automobiles in Driveways,” and Whitman’s “Lost America of Love”: Deconstructing Allen Ginsberg’s Poem “A Supermarket in California”


Lesson #1: The Revolutionary Leader of the Beats, “Blue Automobiles in Driveways,” and Whitman’s “Lost America of Love”: Deconstructing Allen Ginsberg’s Poem “A Supermarket in California”


Allen Ginsberg, "A Supermarket in California," social vision, revolutionary, countercultural, lesson plans, high school


This is the first lesson plan of the mini-unit I have created on Ginsberg's poem "A Supermarket in California." The lesson described is geared towards helping students see the links between Ginsberg's countercultural status, his revolutionary vision of a more socially accepting America, and the content of the poem.


Kayleigh Forlow


Kayleigh Forlow